Big changes are coming soon. I know some of you have been wondering where I’ve “Been”. Kevin Brown and I have been working overtime behind the scenes on some really good stuff. I have a lot going on on the personal side with my unborn twins and circumstances might cause them to be born sooner than expected (perhaps as early as Monday). Everyone is healthy, but I’ve had to accelerate certain projects. I updated as many etunes as I could yesterday and I will do so again today as well as ship out some orders including ecus, and cable rentals.
Please check your tickets and emails today for updates and tracking. Thank you all for the patience and understanding. I promise these updates will help smooth our online operation.
We’ve also been working on finalizing arrangements and deals with new partners in hopes of expanding the business and adding some much needed additional help and customer support as well as additional parts sales and tuning/parts packages.
In other news, yesterday was my last day tuning full time out of RRE. I will be taking personal family leave for several weeks. I will still be going in once a week or so but I will keep tuning to a minimum. I will still be the only tuner for non Mitsubishi and other stock ecu tunes and well as specialized tactrix tunes. Flex fuel Evo 8/X, GTR, Nissan, BMW, Subaru, Cobb AP, Ecutek, Uprev tunes, HP tuners, etc, etc will still solely be my projects for RRE, but there will be some delays in scheduling with them. As such, I will be asking those of you who need me for such tunes, touch ups, or other work like injector cleaning to contact us directly at RALLInspired Calibration Testing. I will also start focusing more on ROAD TUNES for locals and LIVE REMOTE SESSION E-TUNES now that my personal schedule will be somewhat erratic until our babies get a little older. I WILL STILL BE HANDLING ALL E-TUNES. Please create a ticket or message my rallinspired Facebook page. Messages to my personal page here or personal Instagram will likely be lost or overlooked.
Thank you all again for the support. I can’t wait to meet my little ones.