Forums Mitsubishi Forums Lancer Lancer 08+ Lancer 08+ DIY Installations Lancer Transmission conversion

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    Kevin rojas
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      This shouldnt cost more then $1200-$1500 in parts or less and depending on if you do it yourselves or have a mechanic do it.

      Items needed :

      Manual transmission 5 speed \ 6 speed

      Floor gear shifter m\t

      Both Front driver \ passenger axles

      Clutch plate flywheel kit

      Clutch master cylinder

      Manual transmission mounts

      Shift cables for m\t

      Shift cable bracket

      Clutch pedal

      Wire harness for m\t car

      Clutch line

      Flywheel bolts ….. Not included in clutch kit

      Brake reservoir

      tune Ecu \ or buy Ecu for manual vehicle


      Transmission —————————————————————-

      Look for anything under 100k miles

      Lkq USA \ Canada are great companies which offer transmission at great prices

      2.4 \ 2.0 engines are the same so same transmission

      2009 , 2010 , 2011 same car (FWD)

      2012-present same car (AWD)

      Pay attention to transmission: SST is not manual CVT is not manual.

      Transmission oil

      Floor Gear Shifter ——————————————————————-


      5 speed \ 6 speed M\t are the same shifter

      It could be off a evo or raillart or base lancer , which must likely would be a DE lancer \ GTS lancer

      GTS are 2008- 2011 \ GT are 2012-up (IDK)

      Ebay is the way to find them

      Axles Shafts ——————————————————————————

      Since the transmission is being changed so will the axles

      Must buy for manual transmission NO CVT

      Axles don’t matter on 5 speed or 6 speed

      It could be purchase from PartsGeek they manufacture some of their axles so you buying brand new ones

      Clutch kit \ flywheel ————————————————————————

      Many brands out there for clutch and different stages

      Clutch kits go from 2008-2010 \ 2011 – up

      2.0 same as 2.4

      Full kits sold on eBay with everything you need

      Make sure it has the clutch slave cylinder

      On the Mitsubishi lancer : clutch salve cylinder is located in the transmission housing so don’t go of buying the usual clutch slave cylinder thinking it will fit your car.

      There is a way to do an external slave cylinder but hasn’t been done for the lancers yet from what I know ….. Ill try it out in the future

      Stage 1 through 4 ( MAX ) are performance scale level

      Now for flywheel there’s a company called LuK Corp. great company , they have fro 08-14. DO NOT BUY EVO FLYWHEEL ! It wider then the regular lancer ones. If you do must buy longer flywheel bolts to make it fit correctly

      Clutch master cylinder —————————————————————-

      Not your usual brake master cylinder

      It will be a plastic tube unlike the regular metal assembly one

      Evo \ Base lancer are the same

      Will need you clutch line connected to it can use off a evo

      Ebay has Sabana selling them for 2008-2015

      The ball point end goes connected directly to the clutch pedal

      Transmission mounts ————————————————————————–

      Now this is the tricky part . I never found the correct mounts

      Evo mounts are not the same as the base M\t mounts

      Nor do the stock cvt or automatic mounts work

      What I did is bought evo ones and welded it to the transmission and did certain amount of bents to make it fit correctly

      New bolts will also have to be bought depending on the way you go with

      There are three mounts front lower transmission \ right hand facing vehicle  \ rear lower mount connected to the Sub frame

      This is a very hard task , must need a good welder to go ahead with this project .

      shifts cables m\t ……………..bracket ——————————————————

      Shift cables for manual transmission are two cables

      Not sure if evo \ raillart \ base lancer share shift cables but I went with base lancer and was fine.

      Only company as I know has them is by Mitsubishi directly from Texas factory as found in eBay

      Don’t go cheap and buy used ones these go bad often …. Just buy from Mitsubishi

      Shift cable bracket are a pain in the ><><><><><

      If you don’t get the bracket with the transmission which is almost impossible from LKQ you will have to retrofit with evo ones

      I have not found any company online that sell the correct bracket

      Just incase you wonder what it is , it is a bracket with two U like inserts for the shift cables to hold on before it connects with the transmission

      Will need the clips to hold them in place also which are extremely cheap ( or use zip ties like someone I know )

      If you go with the Evo one you will need to cut 1/4 portion of the bracket to make it fit correctly with the transmission

      Clutch pedal ——————————————————————————-

      Simple and easy , any clutch pedal will work ! Just make sure its for a lancer

      On the lancer even if it’s an automatic , they have a cut out design on the car frame to installed the clutch pedal

      Two way to go about this set up you can also purchase the brake pedal that came of a manual \ Reason why: a\t and m\t have different size brake pedals

      For example a\t have a wider brake pedal then a m\t one reason idkkkkkk

      Or you can use the stock brake pedal just tighter when switching from the clutch to the brake when stepping on it

      Now when you see the cut out under the dash for the clutch assembly you will notice two mounts that has threads for a nut to screw on

      These two mounts with threads are for some reason not distance correctly

      There’s two things you can go by this you can cut of one of the mounts and reinstall it by welding it on the frame in the correct position

      Or bolt it on as is and will notice the clutch being a little slanted towards the brake pedal

      Engine Wire Harness ————————————————————————–

      You do not need it if your good at reading charts and wiring new lines with connectors

      if you don’t buy you will need the following : two wires that go to the clutch pedal to the safety switch on the transmission and one for the reverse connector 4guage wire works fine

      If you do buy the harness which is better make sure it’s the full harness now you wont have to take if off but just take off certain things from it to install it in the stock harness

      There’s going to be 3 set placements for the harness : 1- headlights to the front connectors of the car 2- engine connectors 3- firewall connectors which is what you need

      Literally everything is the same on all harness besides the firewall one

      Cvt harness \ sst harness \ automatic harness all have a extra 4th wire that goes to the transmission the m\t doesn’t

      The clutch wires will be located in red and white on the firewall section

      The reverse wires will be located on the transmission harness of the stock ones cvt or sst or a\t which you can located by having the car in automatic and locating the connector with a voltage machine thingy maggie …..

      Once located the wires follow it to the fuse box and splice the came so you can place a new wire to the new connector to go on the transmission which is located on the rear left hand side of the transmission

      Its three cables your connecting the connector is found on the engine section of the hardness and its white green black






      • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Kevin rojas.
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Kevin Brown.
      Christian jay Lopez
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        Ok it is superhard to find a shifter cable bracket can’t even find one from an evo what should i do?

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          It was a pain to find this. Use megazip. I’ve ordered many parts from there including the shift cable bracket. It was on backorder and I had to wait like a month to get it. Part number is 23901. Make sure you order the clips and some of the bolts to mount it.


          Daniel Isai Diaz
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            Hi, so Im doing the swap, I have everything bolted on, but my question is more on the ecu, my lancer is a 16, can I just plug and play an older ecu but manual, will maf and sensors work the same? Any info will help.

            Daniel P
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              Hi, so Im doing the swap, I have everything bolted on, but my question is more on the ecu, my lancer is a 16, can I just plug and play an older ecu but manual, will maf and sensors work the same? Any info will help.

              Hi, Did you ever figure this out, does the ecu need to be reprogrammed or can the donor ecu just be swapped in?

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